Wir sehen uns in einem anderen Leben
Jorge Sánchez-Cabezudo, Alberto Sánchez-CabezudoSchauspieler:
Roberto Gutiérrez, Quim Àvila Conde, Pol López, Tamara Casellas, Mourad OuaniAm 11. März 2004 wurden in Madrid Bombenanschläge verübt. Ein 16-Jähriger namens Baby und Emilio Trashorras waren am Transport von Sprengstoff beteiligt.
The largest jihadist attack. committed on European soil on March 11, 2004. In that year, Baby was a sixteen-year-old teenager who, together with Emilio Trashorras, participated in the transfer of the explosives that would be used in Madrid. Baby was the first convicted of the attacks. His testimony was key in the macro trial that took place in 2007.
The largest jihadist attack. committed on European soil on March 11, 2004. In that year, Baby was a sixteen-year-old teenager who, together with Emilio Trashorras, participated in the transfer of the explosives that would be used in Madrid. Baby was the first convicted of the attacks. His testimony was key in the macro trial that took place in 2007.