WorldEnd: What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?
Ryohei Arai, Azusa Tadokoro, Akari Uehara, Satomi Sato, MachicoWir befinden uns in einer Welt, die von unbekannten Monstern angegriffen wurde, die viele Lebensformen der Welt - Menschen eingeschlossen - ausgerottet haben. Die überlebenden Spezies haben den Erdboden verlassen und leben auf einer fliegenden Insel namens Regal Ele. Willem Kumesh erwacht 500 Jahre später über den Wolken und konnte nicht die beschützen, die ihm etwas bedeuteten. Als einziger Überlebender versank er in Verzweiflung. Doch plötzlich trifft er auf eine Gruppe junger Mädchen und übernimmt unerwartet einen Job in der Waffenverwaltung.
The fleeting and sad story about little girls known as fairy weapons and an associate hero that survived. This is a world after it was attacked by unidentified monsters known as beasts and many of the species in the world, including humans, had been destroyed. The species that had managed to survived left the ground and were living on a floating island called Regal Ele. Willem Kmetsch wakes up above the clouds 500 years later and couldn’t protect the ones who he wanted to protect. Actually, he was living in despair because he was the only survivor.
The fleeting and sad story about little girls known as fairy weapons and an associate hero that survived. This is a world after it was attacked by unidentified monsters known as beasts and many of the species in the world, including humans, had been destroyed. The species that had managed to survived left the ground and were living on a floating island called Regal Ele. Willem Kmetsch wakes up above the clouds 500 years later and couldn’t protect the ones who he wanted to protect. Actually, he was living in despair because he was the only survivor.