Anna Nagase, Kazuki Ura, Rie Kugimiya, Minori Suzuki, Akio Suyama, Romi Park, Manaka Iwami, Kentaro Tone, 山根雅史, 宝亀克寿, Sayaka OharaNach ihrem Schulabschluss beginnt Natsuko Hirose ihre Karriere als Animatorin. Ihr Talent entfaltet sich schnell, und schon bald gibt sie ihr Debüt als Regisseurin. Ihr erster Anime wird ein riesiger Erfolg, löst ein gesellschaftliches Phänomen aus und verschafft ihr Anerkennung als aufstrebendes Genie unter den Regisseuren. Ihr nächstes Projekt, eine Liebeskomödie über die erste Liebe, stellt sie jedoch vor eine große Herausforderung, denn sie war noch nie verliebt! Da sie dieses Konzept nicht gänzlich greifen kann, ist sie unfähig, das Storyboard zu zeichnen, was zu einem Stillstand in der Filmproduktion führt.
After graduating from high school, Natsuko Hirose starts her career as an animator. Her talent quickly flourishes, and she makes her debut as a director in no time. Her first anime becomes a massive hit, sparking a social phenomenon and earning her recognition as an up-and-coming genius director. Her next project is set to be a romantic comedy movie themed around first love! However, having never been in love herself, Natsuko struggles to understand the concept of first love, and as a result, she’s unable to create the storyboard, causing the movie production to come to a standstill. One day, she passes out while working on her storyboard and wakes up in the world of her favorite childhood anime movie "A Tale of Perishing".
After graduating from high school, Natsuko Hirose starts her career as an animator. Her talent quickly flourishes, and she makes her debut as a director in no time. Her first anime becomes a massive hit, sparking a social phenomenon and earning her recognition as an up-and-coming genius director. Her next project is set to be a romantic comedy movie themed around first love! However, having never been in love herself, Natsuko struggles to understand the concept of first love, and as a result, she’s unable to create the storyboard, causing the movie production to come to a standstill. One day, she passes out while working on her storyboard and wakes up in the world of her favorite childhood anime movie "A Tale of Perishing".