Bluthunde Am Broadway
Howard BrooknerSchauspieler:
Matt Dillon, Jennifer Grey, Julie Hagerty, Rutger Hauer, Madonna, Esai Morales, Anita Morris, Randy Quaid, Josef Sommer, Alan Ruck, Dinah Manoff, Ethan Phillips, Stephen McHattie, Tony Longo, Fisher Stevens, Richard EdsonDie Silvesternacht 1928 markiert auf dem Broadway das Ende der Jazz-Ära. Während die Halbwelt in Mindy’s Restaurant tanzt und feiert, begibt sich Inspektor McNamara mit seinen Bluthunden auf Mörderjagd. Der Gangsterboß The Brain ist dem Tode geweiht, nachdem er von einem Messer am Bauch verletzt wurde. Am Leben bleiben der glücklose Spieler Regret, der mit Lovey Lou sein Traumlos zieht, und Feet Samuels, der für Hortense seine Füße der Wissenschaft vermacht hat, nun aber erkennt, daß seine Angebetete ihn will und nicht sein Geld.
Melancholische Hommage an die Goldenen Zwanziger Jahre, nach Kurzgeschichten von Damon Runyon. Die schillernden Figuren der einzelnen Episoden sind mit Madonna, Matt Dillon und Rutger Hauer besetzt.
This musical is based on four short stories by Damon Runyon. In one tale, gambler Feet Samuels sells his body to science just as he realizes that Hortense loves him and that he would rather live than die. In another story, Harriet's parrot is killed, and she has problems dealing with her loss. Then, there is a gambler, "Right", who has bloodhounds on his trail when he becomes a murder suspect. Finally, "The Brain" is bleeding profusely, and his friends search for a way to save his life through a blood transfusion.
This musical is based on four short stories by Damon Runyon. In one tale, gambler Feet Samuels sells his body to science just as he realizes that Hortense loves him and that he would rather live than die. In another story, Harriet's parrot is killed, and she has problems dealing with her loss. Then, there is a gambler, "Right", who has bloodhounds on his trail when he becomes a murder suspect. Finally, "The Brain" is bleeding profusely, and his friends search for a way to save his life through a blood transfusion.