C.R.A.Z.Y. - Verrücktes Leben
Jean-Marc ValléeSchauspieler:
Marc-André Grondin, Danielle Proulx, Michel Côté, Pierre-Luc Brillant, Émile Vallée, Maxime Tremblay, Joël LeMayZac Beaulieu (Emile Vallée) ist ein Weihnachtskind und als jüngster von fünf Söhnen sofort Vaters Liebling. Allein die Neigung des Knaben, mit Puppen zu spielen und Mamis Klamotten aufzutragen, bereitet dem sonst recht fortschrittlichen Vater Kopfzerbrechen. Als der zum Teenager gereifte Zac (jetzt: Marc-Andre Grondin) angesichts von Gruppendruck und Skrupeln ein Coming Out sucht, droht ein Zerwürfnis mit dem geliebten Vater.
Unaufdringliches, hauchzart fantastisch unterminiertes Kinoplädoyer für Toleranz, vom Frankokanadier Jean-Marc Vallee verpackt als massentaugliche Familiendramödie zum immer aktuellen Thema Erwachsenwerden.
A story of two love affairs. A father's love for his five sons. And one son's love for his father, a love so strong it compels him to live a lie. That son is Zac Beaulieu, born on the 25th of December 1960, different from all his brothers, but desperate to fit in. During the next 20 years, life takes Zac on a surprising and unexpected journey that ultimately leads him to accept his true nature and, even more importantly, leads his father to love him for who he really is.
A story of two love affairs. A father's love for his five sons. And one son's love for his father, a love so strong it compels him to live a lie. That son is Zac Beaulieu, born on the 25th of December 1960, different from all his brothers, but desperate to fit in. During the next 20 years, life takes Zac on a surprising and unexpected journey that ultimately leads him to accept his true nature and, even more importantly, leads his father to love him for who he really is.