Das Haus der Lady Alquist
George CukorSchauspieler:
Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten, Dame May Whitty, Angela Lansbury, Barbara Everest, Tom Stevenson, Heather Thatcher, Lawrence Grossmith, Halliwell Hobbes, Emil Rameau, Jakob Gimpel, Harry Adams, Joseph North, Lassie Lou Ahern, John ArdizoniDer Musiker Gregory Anton ist mit der Erbin Paula Alquist verheiratet. Obwohl sie unter schlechten Erinnerungen an ihr ererbtes Haus leidet, bringt er sie dazu, mit ihm dort einzuziehen. Mit der Zeit geschehen seltsame Dinge im Haus Alquist. Dinge verschwinden und tauchen wieder auf. Gregory behauptet, seine Frau würde sich das einbilden. Nach und nach stellt sich heraus, daß er diese Vorfälle inszeniert, um seine Frau langsam, aber sicher in den Wahnsinn zu treiben...
In the late 19th century, Paula Alquist is studying music in Italy, but ends up abandoning her classes because she's fallen in love with the gallant Gregory Anton. The couple marries and moves to England to live in a home inherited by Paula from her aunt, herself a famous singer, who was mysteriously murdered in the house ten years before. Though Paula is certain that she sees the house's gaslights dim every evening and that there are strange noises coming from the attic, Gregory convinces Paula that she's imagining things. Meanwhile, a Scotland Yard inspector, Brian Cameron, becomes sympathetic to Paula's plight.
In the late 19th century, Paula Alquist is studying music in Italy, but ends up abandoning her classes because she's fallen in love with the gallant Gregory Anton. The couple marries and moves to England to live in a home inherited by Paula from her aunt, herself a famous singer, who was mysteriously murdered in the house ten years before. Though Paula is certain that she sees the house's gaslights dim every evening and that there are strange noises coming from the attic, Gregory convinces Paula that she's imagining things. Meanwhile, a Scotland Yard inspector, Brian Cameron, becomes sympathetic to Paula's plight.