IMDB Rating
Voting: 6.7 /10 (3)
Trailer: YouTube

Das merkwürdige Kätzchen



Ramon Zürcher


Jenny Schily, Leon Alan Beiersdorf, Matthias Dittmer, Lea Draeger, Monika Hetterle, Mia Kasalo, Gustav Körner, Armin Marewski, Kathleen Morgeneyer, Luk Pfaff, Anjorka Strechel, Sabine Werner
Die Geschwister Karin (Anjorka Strechel) und Simon (Luk Pfaff) besuchen ihre Eltern (Jenny Schilly, Matthias Dittmer) und ihre kleine Schwester Clara (Mia Kasalo) in deren Berliner Altbauwohnung. Es wird die Waschmaschine repariert, zu Mittag gegessen, die Kleidung geflickt; schlicht der Tag miteinander verbracht. Die Gesprächsthemen reichen von Operationen an Lungenflügeln bis zur korrekten Haltung eines Haustieres. Während Katze und Hund durch die Räume streifen, geht die Familie ihrem Alltag nach bis am Abend weitere Verwandte zum gemeinsamen festlichen Abendessen kommen.

Siblings Karin and Simon are visiting their parents and their little sister Clara. That evening, other relatives will be joining them for dinner. Over the course of the day, the washing machine is repaired, people sit together at the kitchen table, carry out an experiment with orange peel, talk about lungs, and sew on a button that was deliberately torn off. This sequence of family scenes in a Berlin flat complete with cat and dog creates a wondrous world of the everyday: Coming and going, all manner of doings, each movement leading to the next, one word following another. It is a carefully staged chain reaction of actions and sentences. And in between, silent gazes and anecdotes about experiences. The people act oddly even-temperedly; their dialogues are direct and unemotional. Even the pets and the material surroundings play a part. Some objects seem alive as if by magic. Commonplace actions and familiar items appear absurd and eerie in this narrative cosmos. Putting the absurdities...
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    Mirror 1 | 25.08.2017 - Das.merkwuerdige.Kaetzchen.German.READNFO.DVDRiP.x264-ROOR

    Summary & Details

    Die Geschwister Karin (Anjorka Strechel) und Simon (Luk Pfaff) besuchen ihre Eltern (Jenny Schilly, Matthias Dittmer) und ihre kleine Schwester Clara (Mia Kasalo) in deren Berliner Altbauwohnung. Es wird die Waschmaschine repariert, zu Mittag gegessen, die Kleidung geflickt; schlicht der Tag miteinander verbracht. Die Gesprächsthemen reichen von Operationen an Lungenflügeln bis zur korrekten Haltung eines Haustieres. Während Katze und Hund durch die Räume streifen, geht die Familie ihrem Alltag nach bis am Abend weitere Verwandte zum gemeinsamen festlichen Abendessen kommen.

    Siblings Karin and Simon are visiting their parents and their little sister Clara. That evening, other relatives will be joining them for dinner. Over the course of the day, the washing machine is repaired, people sit together at the kitchen table, carry out an experiment with orange peel, talk about lungs, and sew on a button that was deliberately torn off. This sequence of family scenes in a Berlin flat complete with cat and dog creates a wondrous world of the everyday: Coming and going, all manner of doings, each movement leading to the next, one word following another. It is a carefully staged chain reaction of actions and sentences. And in between, silent gazes and anecdotes about experiences. The people act oddly even-temperedly; their dialogues are direct and unemotional. Even the pets and the material surroundings play a part. Some objects seem alive as if by magic. Commonplace actions and familiar items appear absurd and eerie in this narrative cosmos. Putting the absurdities...

    Also Known As:

    Das merkwürdige Kätzchen


    ~72 Min.

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    Ramon Zürcher


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts