Die Gewalt bin ich
Umberto LenziSchauspieler:
Tomás Milián, Maurizio Merli, John Saxon, Renzo Palmer, Gabriella Lepori, Claudio Undari, Bruno Corazzari, Gabriella Giorgelli, Marco Guglielmi, Salvatore Billa, Claudio Nicastro, Guido Alberti, Aldo Massasso, Riccardo Garrone, Fulvio Mingozzi, Massimo BonettiDer gefürchtete Gangster Luigi, genannt ‘der Chinese’, ist aus dem Knast entkommen, in den ihn der Kommissar Tanzi gebracht hat. Tanzi ist ein Bulle von besonderem Format und besonderen Methoden. Darum hat er immer Krach mit seinen Bossen. Um Haaresbreite entgeht Tanzi einem Mordanschlag. Einem Racheakt des ‘Chinesen’? Tanzi soll untertauchen, aber so leicht gibt er nicht auf. Sein Hass auf den ‘Chinesen’ ist zu stark. Es kommt zu einem atemberaubenden, mörderischen Finale…
This is probably the best example of a 70's Italian crime movie, though not the "best" movie of the genre (does that make sense?). It has, besides Saxon, an entirely Italian cast but most of them are pretty recognizable regulars in very amusing roles. Maurizio Merli is best as the role he was born to play, that of yet another ticked off Police commissioner. His very charismatic, yet level-headed performance is the one thing that keeps this movie moving along so well, and it is notable that of Lenzi's crime movies, this is probably the one that entrusts Merli with the most screentime.
This is probably the best example of a 70's Italian crime movie, though not the "best" movie of the genre (does that make sense?). It has, besides Saxon, an entirely Italian cast but most of them are pretty recognizable regulars in very amusing roles. Maurizio Merli is best as the role he was born to play, that of yet another ticked off Police commissioner. His very charismatic, yet level-headed performance is the one thing that keeps this movie moving along so well, and it is notable that of Lenzi's crime movies, this is probably the one that entrusts Merli with the most screentime.