Die wilden Kerle
Joachim MasannekSchauspieler:
Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Cornelia Froboess, Sarah Kim Gries, Rufus Beck, Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, Raban Bieling, Constantin Gastmann, Marlon Wessel, Jonathan Beck, Kevin Iannotta, Leon Wessel-Masannek, Filippo Dattola, Florian Heppert, Nicolas MichalczewskiSommer der Bewährungsproben für die "Wilden Kerle", Herrscher über den Bolzplatz im Teufelstopf: Dauerregen verwandelt das Spielfeld in üblen Morast, die zentralen Mannschaftskräfte erleiden akutes Hausarrest, und zu allem Überfluss macht sich der dicke Michi mit seiner Bande von Älteren auf dem Feld der Träume breit. Da hilft nur ein entscheidendes Fußballduell: Die Sieger erwerben das unbeschränkte Recht auf den Teufelstopf. Ganze zehn Tage bleiben den Kids Zeit, sich auf den ungleichen Kampf vorzubereiten.
Uwe Ochsenknecht und Rufus Beck sind als Erwachsene mit von der Partie, wenn die jungen Wilden in einer actiongeladenen Familienkomödie eine kleine Serie deutscher Fußballfilme einläuten.
The school year is over and for a diverse group of children between six and ten years with no worries, football is king! These kids are convinced they are the local gold team and there is nothing they like more than just improve their game. "If you want to be cool, you should be wild." But this holiday more bad luck will accompany the due. The relentless rain turns their field in a quagmire. They must be with their parents who do not like their passion for the game. And when finally the sun comes, a gang of older boys, bigger and stupid, have just taken the field. Although not given any choice, the boys challenge them to play a game to solve the problem. All you have to do now is win ... First installment of the series German "The Beast Football Club".
The school year is over and for a diverse group of children between six and ten years with no worries, football is king! These kids are convinced they are the local gold team and there is nothing they like more than just improve their game. "If you want to be cool, you should be wild." But this holiday more bad luck will accompany the due. The relentless rain turns their field in a quagmire. They must be with their parents who do not like their passion for the game. And when finally the sun comes, a gang of older boys, bigger and stupid, have just taken the field. Although not given any choice, the boys challenge them to play a game to solve the problem. All you have to do now is win ... First installment of the series German "The Beast Football Club".