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Alex SchmidtSchauspieler:
Mina Tander, Laura de Boer, Katharina Thalbach, Max Riemelt, Clemens Schick, Anna Thalbach, Alina Sophie Antoniadis, William Boer, Greta Oceana Dethlefs, Mia Kasalo, Tim Kirschstein, Lina Köhlert, Jessica McIntyre, Dirk Köhlert, Valentin Mereutza, Ellenie Salvo GonzálezGerade, als es in Hannas Ehe kriselt, wird ihre ehemals beste Freundin Clarissa mit einer Tablettenüberdosis auf ihre Station eingeliefert und die beiden Frauen, die sich erstmals seit 25 Jahren wieder sehen, beschließen spontan auf jene Insel zu fahren, mit der sie die schönsten (und schlimmsten) Kindheitserinnerungen verbinden. Doch das stürmische Eiland wirkt so feindselig wie seine knurrigen Bewohner. Denn damals verschwand die kleine Maria, und ihr grausames Schicksal hängt mit dem verdrängten Wirken Hannas und Clarissas zusammen.
Eine boshafte Jugendsünde ist der Angelpunkt eines stimmungsvollen teutonischen Mystery-Thrillers, der nicht nur Anleihen bei Hollywoods Geisterhorror nimmt, sondern auch eine veritable Schaueratmosphäre aus seinen malerischen Naturkulissen zaubert. Das in Venedig uraufgeführte Spielfilmdebüt von Alexandra Schmidt vermengt gekonnt Genremotive zu einer femininen psychologischen Erforschung von Verdrängung, Schuld und lang gehegtem Racheplan. Für Gruselfans, die es stimmungsvoll mögen.
During their childhood, Hanna and Clarissa were best friends. They spent every vacation together in an old summer house on a small island. Shortly after Hanna’s 9th birthday, they suddenly lost touch and only meet again unexpectedly 25 years later. Hanna is now married, has a seven-year-old daughter and is the chief resident physician at the hospital where she reunites with Clarissa. Her old friend has been brought to the hospital ER for overdosing on sleeping pills. The two women pick up their friendship where they left off and spontaneously decide to spend a few days on the island, just like in the old days. When Hanna learns that Maria, a playmate of hers from the island’s village, disappeared as a child and was never seen or heard from again, she begins to search in the past. Something horrible must have happened on the island and they must have been involved.
During their childhood, Hanna and Clarissa were best friends. They spent every vacation together in an old summer house on a small island. Shortly after Hanna’s 9th birthday, they suddenly lost touch and only meet again unexpectedly 25 years later. Hanna is now married, has a seven-year-old daughter and is the chief resident physician at the hospital where she reunites with Clarissa. Her old friend has been brought to the hospital ER for overdosing on sleeping pills. The two women pick up their friendship where they left off and spontaneously decide to spend a few days on the island, just like in the old days. When Hanna learns that Maria, a playmate of hers from the island’s village, disappeared as a child and was never seen or heard from again, she begins to search in the past. Something horrible must have happened on the island and they must have been involved.