Im Jahr des Drachen
Michael CiminoSchauspieler:
Mickey Rourke, John Lone, Ariane, Leonard Termo, Raymond J. Barry, Caroline Kava, Eddie Jones, Joey Chin, Victor Wong, K. Dock Yip, Bau Hon-Lam, Way Dong Woo, Jimmy Sun, Daniel Davin, Mark Hammer, Dennis DunStanley White (Mickey Rourke), New Yorks höchstdekoriertester Cop soll Chinatown von einem Albtraum befreien. Sein Gegenspieler: Joey Thai (John Lone), einer der skrupelosesten Heroin-Händler der Welt. Dieser versucht die Herrschaft über New Yorks chinesische Mafia zu erlangen. Ein erbarmungsloser Kampf entbrennt.
In New York, racist Capt. Stanley White becomes obsessed with destroying a Chinese-American drug ring run by Joey Tai, an up-and-coming young gangster as ambitious as he is ruthless. While pursuing an unauthorized investigation, White grows increasingly willing to violate police protocol, resorting to progressively violent measures -- even as his concerned wife, Connie, and his superiors beg him to consider the consequences of his actions.
In New York, racist Capt. Stanley White becomes obsessed with destroying a Chinese-American drug ring run by Joey Tai, an up-and-coming young gangster as ambitious as he is ruthless. While pursuing an unauthorized investigation, White grows increasingly willing to violate police protocol, resorting to progressively violent measures -- even as his concerned wife, Connie, and his superiors beg him to consider the consequences of his actions.