In gewissen Nächten
Maurice LabroSchauspieler:
Fernandel, Louis de Funès, Gaby André, Andrex, Michel Ardan, Simone SilvaWährend er schlafwandelt, klaut ein Hausdetektiv (Fernandel) nachts Schmuck in einem Geschäft , wo er am Tag für die Sicherheit angestellt ist. Das geht einige Zeit gut, dann zieht sich die Schlinge der Polizei zu und es kommt zu einem furiosen Ende.
Victor Boniface's life is not exactly a rest cure. Just imagine: Victor is both a store detective and a ... shoplifter (only when he walks in his sleep, mind you)! And falling in love while sleepwalking is no bed of roses either, as the good-natured man simply forgets everything after waking up. Fortunately love wins the game in the end. Does that mean that life will become as easy as pie ? Certainly not: the little Bonifaces will be sleepwalkers just like their daddy!
Victor Boniface's life is not exactly a rest cure. Just imagine: Victor is both a store detective and a ... shoplifter (only when he walks in his sleep, mind you)! And falling in love while sleepwalking is no bed of roses either, as the good-natured man simply forgets everything after waking up. Fortunately love wins the game in the end. Does that mean that life will become as easy as pie ? Certainly not: the little Bonifaces will be sleepwalkers just like their daddy!