Jason und der Kampf um das goldene Vlies
Nick WillingSchauspieler:
Jason London, Derek Jacobi, Olivia Williams, Dennis Hopper, Frank Langella, Natasha Henstridge, Angus Macfadyen, Omid Djalili, Jolene Blalock, Brian Thompson, Adrian Lester, Ciarán Hinds, David Calder, Mark Lewis Jones, James Callis, Olga SosnovskaDer Tyrann Pelias ermordet seinen Bruder Aeson, den König von Iolcus, und reißt dessen Thron an sich. Jahre später verlangt der Sohn Aesons, Jason, den Thron von seinem Onkel zurück. Pelias stellt ihm die Bedingung, das Goldene Vlies, welches seinen Träger Unsterblichkeit verleihen soll, zu bringen. Für Jasons Mannschaft und sein Schiff "Argo" beginnt eine abenteuerliche und gefährliche Reise zur Insel Colchis, auf der die bezaubernde Prinzessin Medea das Goldene Vlies bewacht.
One of the most legendary adventures in all mythology is brought to life in Jason and the Argonauts, an epic saga of good and evil. As a mere boy Jason, the heir to the kingdom of Ancient Greece, witnesses the murder of his father at the hands of his ruthless uncle, Pelias. After narrowly escaping death, Jason flees his home and returns twenty years later to reclaim the throne. Upon learning of his return, Pelias sentences him to death. To save his life, Jason promises to deliver the most converted gift of the gods to his uncle - the Golden Fleece. Joined by the Argonauts, a stout-hearted crew of sailors, he embarks on a perilous voyage to capture the Fleece and fulfill his destiny.
One of the most legendary adventures in all mythology is brought to life in Jason and the Argonauts, an epic saga of good and evil. As a mere boy Jason, the heir to the kingdom of Ancient Greece, witnesses the murder of his father at the hands of his ruthless uncle, Pelias. After narrowly escaping death, Jason flees his home and returns twenty years later to reclaim the throne. Upon learning of his return, Pelias sentences him to death. To save his life, Jason promises to deliver the most converted gift of the gods to his uncle - the Golden Fleece. Joined by the Argonauts, a stout-hearted crew of sailors, he embarks on a perilous voyage to capture the Fleece and fulfill his destiny.