Krankenschwester des Grauens
Craig MossSchauspieler:
Sarah Butler, Steven Good, Lindsay Hartley, Traci Lords, Jessica Morris, Michael Finn, Rene Ashton, Nate Scholz, Julian Stone, David StarzykDas junge Paar Brooke und Lance wird nach einem Autounfall ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Als Brooke aufwacht, teilt ihr die Krankenschwester Barb mit, dass Lance schwer verletzt sei. Da Brooke wieder arbeiten muss, engagiert sie die ebenso attraktive wie undurchsichtige Krankenschwester Chloe , um ihren Freund zu pflegen. Leider scheint sich Lances Gesundheitszustand bald zu verschlechtern.
After Brooke and her boyfriend Lance have a car accident, Lance’s leg injury requires him to be bedridden with at-home care. When an attractive nurse, Chloe, is recommended to them, she seems perfect for the task. However, when her troubled past comes to light, it becomes apparent to the happy couple that someone is out to destroy their lives.
After Brooke and her boyfriend Lance have a car accident, Lance’s leg injury requires him to be bedridden with at-home care. When an attractive nurse, Chloe, is recommended to them, she seems perfect for the task. However, when her troubled past comes to light, it becomes apparent to the happy couple that someone is out to destroy their lives.