Liebe to Go - Die längste Woche meines Lebens
Peter GlanzSchauspieler:
Olivia Wilde, Jason Bateman, Jenny Slate, Billy Crudup, Tony Roberts, Laura Clery, William Abadie, Stephen Temperly, Alexandra Neil, Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick, Barry Primus, Jayce Bartok, Danny Deferrari, Auden Thornton, Steve Witting, Maureen MuellerConrad Valmont, Sohn eines reichen Hoteliers, hat bisher ganz gut in den Tag hinein gelebt auf Kosten seiner Eltern. Damit ist abrupt Schluss, als sich seine Eltern trennen und keiner für Conrads Unterhalt aufkommen will. Innerhalb einer Woche verliert Conrad sein Heim, seinen Status und seine Kreditwürdigkeit. Wenigstens findet er Unterschlupf bei seinem Kumpel Dylan, dem Maler und Salonsozialisten. Und dann macht er noch die Bekanntschaft der reizenden Pianistin Beatrice. Von seinen Problemen erzählt er beiden erstmal nichts.
Woody Allen und Wes Anderson lassen schön grüßen, wenn ein junger Luftikus aus besserem Hause zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben gezwungen wird, der Realität und der eigenen leeren Existenz ins Auge zu schauen, während er zugleich alle Register zieht, um seine Umwelt und die Traumfrau mit weiteren Lügen voller Fallstricke zu beeindrucken. Das alles vollzieht sich vor erlesenen New-York-Kulissen und wird von geschliffenen Dialogen wie geschmackvoll ausgewählter Musik trefflich untermalt.
As he eases into adulthood at the age of forty, Conrad Valmont, the over-educated, under-employed heir to the Valmont Hotel fortune, is cut off from his allowance following his parents abrupt divorce and tossed out into the unforgiving streets of the Upper West Side. Luckily, he is taken in by his old friend Dylan, and returns the favor by immediately falling for Dylan’s girlfriend Beatrice. As Conrad attempts to woo Beatrice while keeping both their relationship and his bank balance secret, Dylan tries to set him up with Jocelyn. Ever committed to the charade that he eventually finds difficult to maintain, Conrad quickly realizes his charm can only extend so far into debt. Now deep into an extensional reflection, will it take losing everything to make Conrad realize what he can truly become?
As he eases into adulthood at the age of forty, Conrad Valmont, the over-educated, under-employed heir to the Valmont Hotel fortune, is cut off from his allowance following his parents abrupt divorce and tossed out into the unforgiving streets of the Upper West Side. Luckily, he is taken in by his old friend Dylan, and returns the favor by immediately falling for Dylan’s girlfriend Beatrice. As Conrad attempts to woo Beatrice while keeping both their relationship and his bank balance secret, Dylan tries to set him up with Jocelyn. Ever committed to the charade that he eventually finds difficult to maintain, Conrad quickly realizes his charm can only extend so far into debt. Now deep into an extensional reflection, will it take losing everything to make Conrad realize what he can truly become?