Lines of Wellington - Sturm über Portugal
Valeria SarmientoSchauspieler:
John Malkovich, Mathieu Amalric, Melvil Poupaud, Jemima West, Marisa Paredes, Nuno Lopes, Soraia Chaves, Carloto Cotta, Victória Guerra, Marcello Urgeghe, Afonso Pimentel, Miguel Borges, Filipe Vargas, Adriano Luz, João ArraisIm frühen 19. Jahrhundert stehen sich in den Hügeln von Nordportugal bereits zum dritten mal innerhalb weniger Jahre die portugiesisch-britischen Truppen des Generals Wellington und die französischen Invasionstruppen des napoleonischen Generals Massena gegenüber. Die vorherigen Schlachten endeten alle irgendwie unentschieden, diesmal soll die Entscheidung fallen. Im Niemandsland zwischen den wogenden Fronten spielen sich unterdessen dramatische Schicksale ab, von denen manche nicht ohne historische Folgen bleiben.
Episches Drama vor den Kulissen der Napoleonischen Kriege, inszeniert mit französischem und portugiesischem Geld, weshalb keiner Seite ohne Not weh getan wird. Gekämpft wird selten, dafür viel parliert und kühn geflirtet in unzähligen kleinen Nebenschauplätzen, die der Film findet und denen er lieber zu folgen scheint als etwa dem Titelhelden, vielleicht, weil John Malkovich nicht ganz billig war (genau wie Schlachtszenen). Für Freunde des ambitionierten Kostümfilms allemal ein Tipp.
On September 27, 1810, the French troops commanded by Marshal Massena, were defeated in the Serra do Buçaco by the Anglo-Portuguese army of general Wellington. Despite the victory, Portuguese and British are forced to retreat from the enemy, numerically superior, in order to attract them to Torres Vedras, where Wellington had built fortified lines hardly surmountable. Simultaneously, the Anglo-Portuguese command organizes the evacuation of the entire territory between the battlefield and the lines of Torres Vedras, a gigantic burned land operation, which prevents the French from collecting supplies. This is the setting for the adventures of a multitude of characters from all social backgrounds - soldiers and civilians, men, women and children, young and old - to the daily routine torn by war and dragged through hills and valleys, between ruined villages, charred forests and devastated crops.Highly persecuted by the French, already tormented by an unmerciful weather, the mass of ...
On September 27, 1810, the French troops commanded by Marshal Massena, were defeated in the Serra do Buçaco by the Anglo-Portuguese army of general Wellington. Despite the victory, Portuguese and British are forced to retreat from the enemy, numerically superior, in order to attract them to Torres Vedras, where Wellington had built fortified lines hardly surmountable. Simultaneously, the Anglo-Portuguese command organizes the evacuation of the entire territory between the battlefield and the lines of Torres Vedras, a gigantic burned land operation, which prevents the French from collecting supplies. This is the setting for the adventures of a multitude of characters from all social backgrounds - soldiers and civilians, men, women and children, young and old - to the daily routine torn by war and dragged through hills and valleys, between ruined villages, charred forests and devastated crops.Highly persecuted by the French, already tormented by an unmerciful weather, the mass of ...