Mad Jack - Travelling Forbidden Dimensions
Christopher James MillerSchauspieler:
Carl Crew, Kyle Morris, Brittany O'Neil, Christopher James Miller, Al Ridenour, Amy Daly, Kalise Wallace, Al Gomez, Jamie Katonic, Lisa Thayer, Justin Apone, Sean Stearley, Steve Dorfman, Sofie Thornton, Clifford LeeIn der nicht mehr allzu fernen Horrorzukunft (im Jahr 2035, um genau zu sein) wird die Erde von gewissenlosen Industriellen versklavt und verwüstet dank eines Serums, das die Konzernlenker einst aus dem Gewebe eines Aliens gewannen, und das Menschen in gemeingefährliche Mutanten verwandelt. Der mit der Gabe von Zeitreisen ausgestattete Jüngling Jack Slade ist aus der Vergangenheit herbei gereist, um die Verhältnisse zu ändern, und findet dabei die Unterstützung unterschiedlichster Outlaws und schräger Existenzen.
Der deutsche Titel nimmt es bereits vorweg: Jede Menge Zutaten dieses für wenig Geld optisch originell und effektvoll angerichteten Science-Fiction-Abenteuers erinnern den geneigten Genrefreund an "Mad Max 2".
Jack Slade was born during a solar eclipse in the year 1980. 18 years later, he finds out he has the ability to travel into the future. He projects himself into the year 2035, where society has been destroyed by a fascist regiment of psychopathic doctors that rule the wastelands, creating deformed mutants with a serum synthesized from the flesh of dead aliens. Now Slade must travel back to the year 1998 to destroy a device known as the wavelength generator, which opened the dimensional gateways to these alien beings. With the help of an army of female outlaws and a sleazy detective, Slade re-connects with the star child Khadijah, who holds the key to stopping these tragic events from ever taking place.
Jack Slade was born during a solar eclipse in the year 1980. 18 years later, he finds out he has the ability to travel into the future. He projects himself into the year 2035, where society has been destroyed by a fascist regiment of psychopathic doctors that rule the wastelands, creating deformed mutants with a serum synthesized from the flesh of dead aliens. Now Slade must travel back to the year 1998 to destroy a device known as the wavelength generator, which opened the dimensional gateways to these alien beings. With the help of an army of female outlaws and a sleazy detective, Slade re-connects with the star child Khadijah, who holds the key to stopping these tragic events from ever taking place.