Nicht so schnell, mein Junge
Charles WaltersSchauspieler:
Cary Grant, Samantha Eggar, Jim Hutton, John Standing, Miiko Taka, Ted Hartley, Ben Astar, George Takei, Teru Shimada, Lois KiuchiWährend der Olympischen Spiele 1964 in Tokyo sind die Unterkünfte knapp. Glücklicherweise kann der englische Geschäftsmann Rutland seine junge Landsmännin Christine überreden, ihm Unterschlupf zu gewähren. Sie hat allerdings nicht damit gerechnet, dass er auch den amerikanischen Olympioniken Steve anschleppen wird. Und damit nicht genug: Rutland setzt sich in den Kopf, dass Christine und Steve ein ideales Paar abgeben würden - wobei Christines Verlobter allerdings auch noch ein Wörtchen mitzureden hat.
Letzter Leinwandauftritt von Cary Grant, der als Ehestifter in Charles Walters Komödie einen würdigen Abschluss seiner Karriere fand und Samantha Eggar und Jim Hutton zueinander führt.
British industrialist Sir William Rutland - "Bill" to his friends - is in Tokyo on a business trip during the time of the Summer Olympic Games there in 1964. Having actually arrived in Tokyo two days before his original planned arrival, he has problems finding a hotel room because of the Olympics. Spotting an ad posted on a British Embassy message board of a room available to sublet, Bill is able to wrangle his way into the apartment of Christine Easton, who is renting out the sitting room of her one-bedroom apartment as a bedroom for the duration of the Olympics. Bill's short-term living situation in Christine's sitting room is despite her solely wanting a female roommate.
British industrialist Sir William Rutland - "Bill" to his friends - is in Tokyo on a business trip during the time of the Summer Olympic Games there in 1964. Having actually arrived in Tokyo two days before his original planned arrival, he has problems finding a hotel room because of the Olympics. Spotting an ad posted on a British Embassy message board of a room available to sublet, Bill is able to wrangle his way into the apartment of Christine Easton, who is renting out the sitting room of her one-bedroom apartment as a bedroom for the duration of the Olympics. Bill's short-term living situation in Christine's sitting room is despite her solely wanting a female roommate.