Schloss des Schreckens
Tim FywellSchauspieler:
Michelle Dockery, Dan Stevens, Nicola Walker, Mark Umbers, Sue Johnston, Eva Sayer, Josef Lindsay, Corin Redgrave, Wendy Albiston, Sarah Buckland, Edward MacLiam, Katie Lightfoot, Nellie Burroughes, Peter Bygott, Honor Cargill-Martin, Cameron StewartEngland, 1921. Auf dem Landgut Bly soll sich die Gouvernante Ann Giddins (Michelle Dockery aus der Serie "Downton Abbey") um die Erziehung der Waisenkinder Flora und Miles kümmern. Bald hört sie Stimmen und sieht eine mysteriöse Schattengestalt. Die Kinderchen scheinen mehr zu wissen… 1961 verfilmte Jack Clayton den Stoff sehr subtil nach einem Drehbuch von Truman Capote. Diese schön ausgestattete, aber allzu eindeutige BBC-Neuverfilmung wird der vielschichtigen Vorlage nicht gerecht. Statt in den 20ern spielte James' Story übrigens in der Ära Queen Victorias (1837-1901).
Britische TV-Adaption von Henry James' Novelle "The Turn of the Screw".
A young governess, Ann, is sent to a country house to take care of two orphans, Miles and Flora. Soon after her arrival, Miles is expelled from boarding school. Although charmed by her young charge, she secretly fears there are ominous reasons behind his expulsion. With Miles back at home, the governess starts noticing ethereal figures roaming the estate's grounds. Desperate to learn more about these sinister sightings she discovers that the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of her predecessor hold grim implications for herself. As she becomes increasingly fearful that malevolent forces are stalking the children the governess is determined to save them, risking herself and her sanity in the process.
A young governess, Ann, is sent to a country house to take care of two orphans, Miles and Flora. Soon after her arrival, Miles is expelled from boarding school. Although charmed by her young charge, she secretly fears there are ominous reasons behind his expulsion. With Miles back at home, the governess starts noticing ethereal figures roaming the estate's grounds. Desperate to learn more about these sinister sightings she discovers that the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of her predecessor hold grim implications for herself. As she becomes increasingly fearful that malevolent forces are stalking the children the governess is determined to save them, risking herself and her sanity in the process.