Soul Surfer
Sean McNamaraSchauspieler:
Dennis Quaid, AnnaSophia Robb, Jeremy Sumpter, Helen Hunt, Kevin Sorbo, Craig T. Nelson, Carrie Underwood, Lorraine Nicholson, David Chokachi, Ross Thomas, Branscombe Richmond, Chris Brochu, Patrick Richwood, Kim Morgan Greene, Sonya Balmores, Troy ManandicDie 13-jährige Bethany Hamilton ist der Hoffnungsträger des professionellen Surfsports auf Hawaii, als sie beim Training plötzlich von einem Tigerhai angegriffen wird. Sie verliert dabei ihren linken Arm. Zunächst unter Schock durch dieses traumatische Erlebnis und mit geplatzten Zukunftsträumen, schöpft Bethany bald wieder Hoffnung und findet zu ihrem Glauben an Gott und an das Leben selbst zurück. Bereits einen Monat nach ihrem Unfall steht sie wieder auf dem Surfbrett.
Basierend auf den Memoiren von Bethany Hamilton, "Soul Surfer - Sie gab nicht auf und siegte", folgt die Verfilmung des Schicksals eines Teenagers, das nach dem 31. Oktober 2003 die ganze Welt bewegte. Regie führte der serienerfahrene Sean McNamara ("Beyond the Break", "Dance Revolution"). In den Hauptrollen sind Jungstar AnnaSophia Robb ("Brücke nach Terabithia") als Bethany sowie Dennis Quaid ("8 Blickwinkel") und Helen Hunt ("Was Frauen wollen") als Bethanys Eltern zu sehen.
Soul Surfer is the inspiring true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton. Bethany lost her left arm in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, through her sheer determination and unwavering faith.Bethany (AnnaSophia Robb) was born to surf. A natural talent who took to the waves at a young age, she was leading an idyllic life on Kauai, participating in national surf competitions with her best friend Alana (Lorraine Nicholson), when everything changed. On Halloween morning, a 14-foot tiger shark came out of nowhere and seemed to shatter all her dreams.Soul Surfer reveals Bethany's fight to recover from her ordeal and how she grappled with the question of her future. Strengthened by the love of her parents, Tom (Dennis Quaid) and Cheri (Helen Hunt), and supported by her youth group leader Sara (Carrie Underwood), Bethany refuses to give in or give up, and begins a bold return to the water.
Soul Surfer is the inspiring true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton. Bethany lost her left arm in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, through her sheer determination and unwavering faith.Bethany (AnnaSophia Robb) was born to surf. A natural talent who took to the waves at a young age, she was leading an idyllic life on Kauai, participating in national surf competitions with her best friend Alana (Lorraine Nicholson), when everything changed. On Halloween morning, a 14-foot tiger shark came out of nowhere and seemed to shatter all her dreams.Soul Surfer reveals Bethany's fight to recover from her ordeal and how she grappled with the question of her future. Strengthened by the love of her parents, Tom (Dennis Quaid) and Cheri (Helen Hunt), and supported by her youth group leader Sara (Carrie Underwood), Bethany refuses to give in or give up, and begins a bold return to the water.