Stockholm Bloodbath
Mikael HåfströmSchauspieler:
Sophie Cookson, Claes Bang, Alba August, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard, Jakob Oftebro, Ulrich Thomsen, Emily Beecham, Thomas Chaanhing, Kate Ashfield, Adam Pålsson, Wilf Scolding, Matias Varela, Zámbó István, Viktor Filep, Roland Kollárszky, Wayne BrettSchweden, 1520: Die Schwestern Freja und Anne schwören blutige Rache an den Männern, die ihre Familie kaltblütig ermordet haben. Diese brutalen Söldner gehören allerdings zum Gefolge des tyrannischen Königs Christian II., der wild entschlossen ist, die schwedische Krone an sich zu reißen. Alles spitzt sich im Herzen Stockholms zu, wo die Schwestern in eine rücksichtslose Machtübernahme hineingezogen werden, welche in einer Massenexekution gipfelt, die als Stockholmer Blutbad in die Geschichte eingehen soll.
In 1520, the notorious and power-hungry Danish King Christian II is determined to seize the Swedish crown from Sten Sture, no matter what it takes. Meanwhile, sisters Freja and Anne make a solemn promise to seek revenge on the men who brutally murdered their family. Everything comes to a head in the heart of Stockholm, where the sisters are drawn into a ruthless political struggle between Sweden and Denmark that culminates in a mass execution, presided over by the mad King "Christian the Tyrant," known as the Stockholm Bloodbath.
In 1520, the notorious and power-hungry Danish King Christian II is determined to seize the Swedish crown from Sten Sture, no matter what it takes. Meanwhile, sisters Freja and Anne make a solemn promise to seek revenge on the men who brutally murdered their family. Everything comes to a head in the heart of Stockholm, where the sisters are drawn into a ruthless political struggle between Sweden and Denmark that culminates in a mass execution, presided over by the mad King "Christian the Tyrant," known as the Stockholm Bloodbath.