Tiefe der Sehnsucht
Alain BerlinerSchauspieler:
William Fichtner, Demi Moore, Eloise Eonnet, Julianne Nicholson, Sinéad Cusack, Joss Ackland, Peter Riegert, Stellan Skarsgård, Gerry Bamman, Hélène Cardona, Steve BilichMan lebt nur zweimal? Jedenfalls liebt Marie/Marty (Demi Moore) ihre beiden Leben, aber nur eines davon ist wahr. Ist sie eine einsame amerikanische Witwe, die mit ihren zwei Töchtern in der Provence lebt - oder eine raffinierte New Yorker Verlegerin? Unsicher darüber, was Traum und was Wirklichkeit ist, ist sie zwischen zwei Welten und zwischen den zwei Männern hin- und hergerissen, die sie lernen wird zu lieben.
When Marie, a widow in Provence with two daughters, locks her bedroom door and goes to sleep, she dreams about Marty, a literary agent in Manhattan who dreams equally vividly about Marie. The women look alike. Marie meets William who begins to court her. Marty meets Aaron, an accountant, becomes his friend and then his lover. Both women tell their lovers about their dream life. William is jealous, Aaron is accepting. Even though they've become lovers, Marie won't fall asleep next to William. Marie goes on holiday with William to Paris, and Marty wakes up with an ashtray from the hotel on her night stand. Are they the same person? What will unlock reality
When Marie, a widow in Provence with two daughters, locks her bedroom door and goes to sleep, she dreams about Marty, a literary agent in Manhattan who dreams equally vividly about Marie. The women look alike. Marie meets William who begins to court her. Marty meets Aaron, an accountant, becomes his friend and then his lover. Both women tell their lovers about their dream life. William is jealous, Aaron is accepting. Even though they've become lovers, Marie won't fall asleep next to William. Marie goes on holiday with William to Paris, and Marty wakes up with an ashtray from the hotel on her night stand. Are they the same person? What will unlock reality