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Alexandra Maria Lara, Jean Reno, Àlex Brendemühl, Cédric Ben Abdallah, Bastian HagenDie französische Serie „All Those Things We Never Said“ wartet mit einer ungewöhnlichen Rollenkonstellation auf: Wenige Tage vor ihrer Hochzeit erhält Julia (Alexandra Maria Lara) einen Anruf: Ihr Vater Michel (Jean Reno) ist gestorben – und statt Hochzeit steht für sie nun eine Beerdigung an. Doch ihr Vater hat ihr ein seltsames Hochzeitsgeschenk zukommen lassen: Einen Roboter, der ihm äußerlich gleicht, und mit dem er mit seiner Tochter die verloren Zeit zumindest zum Teil wiedergutmachen will. Allerdings hat der Roboter nur Energie für sieben Tage – und das ungleiche Gespann begibt sich auf einen ungewöhnlichen Roadtrip, bei dem sie den Spuren der Vergangenheit folgen.
As far back as Julia Saurel can remember, she’s had a difficult relationship with her father. Three days before she is supposed to get married, she receives a phone call – just as she had predicted, her father will not be able to attend her wedding. For once, Julia has to admit he has a really good excuse – he just died. But the day after his funeral, Julia discovers that her father has one last surprise in store for her when a tall wooden crate is delivered to her home – inside it is a life-size android, a carbon copy of her father. The android explains to Julia that he contains the memory of her father and has a battery life of seven days. After that, “Michel” will automatically turn off. He is so convincing that he talks Julia into embarking on a road trip, as father and daughter, to make up for lost time.
As far back as Julia Saurel can remember, she’s had a difficult relationship with her father. Three days before she is supposed to get married, she receives a phone call – just as she had predicted, her father will not be able to attend her wedding. For once, Julia has to admit he has a really good excuse – he just died. But the day after his funeral, Julia discovers that her father has one last surprise in store for her when a tall wooden crate is delivered to her home – inside it is a life-size android, a carbon copy of her father. The android explains to Julia that he contains the memory of her father and has a battery life of seven days. After that, “Michel” will automatically turn off. He is so convincing that he talks Julia into embarking on a road trip, as father and daughter, to make up for lost time.