Cells at Work! Code Black
Junya Enoki, Yoko Hikasa, Kenjiro Tsuda, KENN, Lynn, Yumi Uchiyama, Narumi Takashi, Yurika Kubo, Hekiru Shiina, Sarah Emi Bridcutt, Daisuke HirakawaIn diesem neuen Spinoff des Hit-Mangas Cells at Work! ist eine neue rote Blutzelle eine von 37 Billionen, die daran arbeiten, den Körper am Laufen zu halten. Aber etwas stimmt nicht! Stresshormone schreien ihn ständig an, schneller zu werden. Die Blutgefäße sind mit Cholesterin überkrustet. Geschwüre, Fettleber, Probleme (ähem) unten... Es ist schwer für eine Zelle, weiter zu arbeiten, wenn jeder Tag ein CODE BLACK ist!
In this new spinoff of the hit manga Cells at Work!, a newbie Red Blood Cell is one of 37 trillion working to keep this body running. But something's wrong! Stress hormones keep yelling at him to go faster. The blood vessels are crusted over with cholesterol. Ulcers, fatty liver, trouble (ahem) downstairs... It's hard for a cell to keep working when every day is a CODE BLACK!
In this new spinoff of the hit manga Cells at Work!, a newbie Red Blood Cell is one of 37 trillion working to keep this body running. But something's wrong! Stress hormones keep yelling at him to go faster. The blood vessels are crusted over with cholesterol. Ulcers, fatty liver, trouble (ahem) downstairs... It's hard for a cell to keep working when every day is a CODE BLACK!