Cheat - Der Betrug
Gaby HullSchauspieler:
Katherine Kelly, Molly Windsor, Tom Goodman-Hill, Peter Firth, Lorraine Ashbourne, Adrian EdmondsonUniversitäts-Professorin Leah (Katherine Kelly) ist sich sicher, dass ihre Studentin Rose (Molly Windsor) bei einer eingereichten Arbeit betrogen hat und ist der Überzeugung, das auch recht nachhaltig beweisen zu können. Da die ebenfalls sehr intelligente Rose aber nicht so einfach nachgeben will, eskaliert der so deutlich erscheinende Fall, hat schwerwiegende Konsequenzen und löst eine Reihe von Ereignissen aus, die beide Frauen zu verschlingen droht.
Cheat is a psychological thriller about the dangerous relationship between university professor Leah, and her student Rose, when, what begins as a seemingly open and shut case of academic deception, quickly spirals out of control, ending in fatal consequences, and triggering a devastating sequence of events that threaten to engulf them both. With two fiercely intelligent minds unwilling to back down, Cheat will keep audiences guessing from the start, exploring just how far we're prepared to stand up for what we believe, and at what cost.
Cheat is a psychological thriller about the dangerous relationship between university professor Leah, and her student Rose, when, what begins as a seemingly open and shut case of academic deception, quickly spirals out of control, ending in fatal consequences, and triggering a devastating sequence of events that threaten to engulf them both. With two fiercely intelligent minds unwilling to back down, Cheat will keep audiences guessing from the start, exploring just how far we're prepared to stand up for what we believe, and at what cost.