IMDB Rating
Voting: 7.3 /10 (4.4k)
Trailer: YouTube

Der kleine Bär



Kristin Fairlie, Tara Strong, Andrew Sabiston, Amos Crawley, Tracy Leah Ryan, Janet-Laine Green, Diane D'Aquila, Dan Hennessey, Elizabeth Hanna, Kay Hawtrey, Rick Jones, Sean McCann, Jennifer Martini
Little Bear is an animated series based on the series of books written by Else Holmelund and illustrated by Maurice Sendak. The curious cub and his forest friends, including Owl, Hen, Cat and Emily, a human girl who lives nearby, play together in the woods, relying on their imaginations to provide them with plenty of adventures.
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    Der kleine Bär (1995)
    Serien Übersicht - Bitte wähle eine Staffel und Episode

    Mirror 1 | 06.06.2024 - Der.kleine.Baer.S01E01.GERMAN.720p.WEB.H264-RWP

    Summary & Details

    Little Bear is an animated series based on the series of books written by Else Holmelund and illustrated by Maurice Sendak. The curious cub and his forest friends, including Owl, Hen, Cat and Emily, a human girl who lives nearby, play together in the woods, relying on their imaginations to provide them with plenty of adventures.

    Also Known As:

    Little Bear


    ~8 Min.

    Video Stream:


    Audio Stream:



    Else Holmelund Minarik, Maurice Sendak, Bob Boyle

