Franck Magnier, Thomas RogelSchauspieler:
Christoph Maria Herbst, Marie-Anne ChazelIn der deutsch-französischen Dramedy „Deutsch-Les-Landes“(fka„Germanized“) geht es um 200 Deutsche, die in das baskische 1800-Seelen-Städtchen Jiscalosse gehen. Die Neunachbarn müssen sich nun auf Dauer miteinander anfreunden.
Grund für die Volkswanderung ist Bürgermeisterin Martine, die das französische Städtchen an den Rand des finanziellen Ruins gebracht hat. Doch sie erkennt, das in einem europäischen Land noch viel Geld im Umlauf ist, nämlich Deutschland. So verkauft sie eine ganze Siedlung ihres Ortes an Gerhard Jäger, seines Zeichens Chef eines bayerischen Unternehmens für Automobil-Produktdesign. Der verliebt sich in die Sonne des Baskenlandes - und auch in die niedrige Umsatzsteuer. Also verlegt er kurzerhand seine Firma, seine Angestellten und deren Familien nach Südfrankreich.
Doch abgesehen von dem weltgewandten Firmenchef, ist zunächst kaum jemand glücklich über diese Massenimigration.
This is the story of Jiscalosse, an idyllic village in southwestern France with a small community of 1,800 locals. The village is on the brink of financial ruin, thanks to their very own Madame the Mayor. She really needs money to save her town (and her reputation)! So, when an opportune moment appears (in the shape of an eccentric German CEO of a Bavarian Automobile Design Company)… Madame the Mayor sells out. Literally. Historical French properties all over the village now belong to a thriving German company!The French villagers begrudge the German employees, and the German employees begrudge their CEO… the only reason the employees really moved to the French countryside was in order to keep their jobs! The French enjoy hosting German tourists in the summer months, but an entire company? 365 days a year? 200 Germans…now 10% of the current population…forever? Mon dieu!
This is the story of Jiscalosse, an idyllic village in southwestern France with a small community of 1,800 locals. The village is on the brink of financial ruin, thanks to their very own Madame the Mayor. She really needs money to save her town (and her reputation)! So, when an opportune moment appears (in the shape of an eccentric German CEO of a Bavarian Automobile Design Company)… Madame the Mayor sells out. Literally. Historical French properties all over the village now belong to a thriving German company!The French villagers begrudge the German employees, and the German employees begrudge their CEO… the only reason the employees really moved to the French countryside was in order to keep their jobs! The French enjoy hosting German tourists in the summer months, but an entire company? 365 days a year? 200 Germans…now 10% of the current population…forever? Mon dieu!