Die ahnungslosen Engel
Ferzan ÖzpetekSchauspieler:
Cristiana Capotondi, Luca Argentero, Ambra Angiolini, Eduardo Scarpetta, Ed Hendrik, Filippo Scicchitano, Federico ManciniAls Massimo, Antonias Ehemann, tödlich verunglückt, entdeckt sie, dass er eine Affäre mit einem jungen Mann hatte, Michele. Am Boden zerstört stellt Antonia Nachforschungen über das heimliche Leben ihres Ehemanns an, und es entsteht eine unerwartete und tiefe Freundschaft mit Michele und seinen exzentrischen Freunden, die für ihren verstorbenen Mann fast wie eine zweite Familie waren. Dank ihnen allen gelingt es ihr, ihr Leben mit neuen Augen zu sehen. Aber wird sie wieder lernen zu lieben?
Following the death of her husband in a car accident, Antonia discovers that he was having a homosexual affair with a man named Michele. At first devastated by the news, she finds herself building an unexpected friendship with this man she had never heard of. They both learn to know each other, to accept each other, to understand each other. Antonia thus discovers her husband's other family made up of friends with unusual lifestyles and different sexual identities.
Following the death of her husband in a car accident, Antonia discovers that he was having a homosexual affair with a man named Michele. At first devastated by the news, she finds herself building an unexpected friendship with this man she had never heard of. They both learn to know each other, to accept each other, to understand each other. Antonia thus discovers her husband's other family made up of friends with unusual lifestyles and different sexual identities.