David S. Rosenthal, Neal Marlens, Carol BlackSchauspieler:
Clea Lewis, Jeremy Piven, Ellen DeGeneres, David Anthony Higgins, Joely Fisher, Maggie Wheeler, Holly Fulger, Arye GrossEllen Morgan (Ellen DeGeneres) erlebt in den 5 Staffeln der gleichnamigen Serie allerhand Kuriouses, Witziges, manchmal auch Tragischkomisches. Zusammen mit ihren Freunden Page, Audrey, Spence, Joe und Peter werden Höhen und Tiefen des Lebens gemeistert – mit dem richtigen Mix aus Humor und Ernsthaftigkeit.
Der besonder Clou an dieser Serie ist das Outing von Ellen am Ende der 4. Staffel. Ellen hat sich somit in der Serie auch gleich offiziell geoutet. Die 5. Staffel ist gespickt mit den Erlebnissen, die ein Outing nach sich zieht , so z.B. dem Kennenlernen einer Freundin. Ellens Humor ist einzigartig. „Ellen“ ist für die ganze Familie und unbedingt sehenswert!
Ellen, which was titled These Friends of Mine during its first season, is comedy about the life of a young woman by the name of Ellen Morgan-a neurotic, 30-something, bookstore employee who tries to get by life in dealing with her many random foils and follies (and not to mention her annoying and overbearing parents, Lois and Harold). Thanks to her friends, however, among them including the bubbly redhead Paige, insecure photographer Adam, her unsure-of-himself cousin Spence, coffee shop guy Joe Farrell, and the critical and obnoxious Audrey, Ellen is able to find the security, and the sanity, to get through her less than normal every day life. The show can be described as a combination between popular sitcoms Seinfeld and Friends, blending a perfect mix of comedy and situational humor with the drama and excitement of every day issues and life in the "real world".
Ellen, which was titled These Friends of Mine during its first season, is comedy about the life of a young woman by the name of Ellen Morgan-a neurotic, 30-something, bookstore employee who tries to get by life in dealing with her many random foils and follies (and not to mention her annoying and overbearing parents, Lois and Harold). Thanks to her friends, however, among them including the bubbly redhead Paige, insecure photographer Adam, her unsure-of-himself cousin Spence, coffee shop guy Joe Farrell, and the critical and obnoxious Audrey, Ellen is able to find the security, and the sanity, to get through her less than normal every day life. The show can be described as a combination between popular sitcoms Seinfeld and Friends, blending a perfect mix of comedy and situational humor with the drama and excitement of every day issues and life in the "real world".