Im fremden Körper
Claude Scasso, Patrick BénédekSchauspieler:
Aïssatou Diop, Balthazar Monfé, Arieh Worthalter, Brune Renault, Toinette Laquière, Steve TientcheuIn einer nicht allzu fernen Zukunft: Eine geheimnisvolle Substanz macht es möglich, den Körper zu wechseln. Familienvater Florian (Alexis Loret) wacht aus einem mehrjährigen Koma auf, allerdings im Körper von Sylvain (Arieh Worthalter), einem Polizeikommissar und Chef einer Spezialeinheit zur Bekämpfung der illegalen Transfers.
Thanks to science, after five years of coma, Florian has his mind transferred into another's body. Now he has to hide his identity, living as an officer with BATI, the anti-transfers unit.
Thanks to science, after five years of coma, Florian has his mind transferred into another's body. Now he has to hide his identity, living as an officer with BATI, the anti-transfers unit.