Naked Attraction
Anna RichardsonFreizügige Dating-Show der primitivsten Art, bei der Single-Männer und Single-Frauen ihren möglichen Traumpartner anhand nur eines Kriteriums auswählen: Wer sieht nackt am besten aus? In jeder Folge können zwei Singles aus jeweils sechs Teilnehmern ihr Date auswählen. Die Teilnehmer stehen dabei nebeneinander in Kabinen aus Milchglas, die sich nach und nach öffnen, von unten nach oben, Körperteil für Körperteil. Nach jedem enthüllten Körperteil schickt der Single einen Teilnehmer nach Hause, bis er sein vermeintliches Traumdate gefunden hat.
Naked Attraction is a daring new dating series that starts where some good dates might end: naked. Modern dating is business. Simple decisions are influenced by countless factors: what you wear, what you do and how you present yourself online. Filtered photos, push-up bras and enhanced profiles are just a few of the things that can get in the way of singletons finding 'the one'. But what happens if we're stripped of everything? Could picking a partner based solely on the naked body and animal magnetism help us find our perfect mate? In each episode, two new singletons join host Anna Richardson as they seek to choose a date from a selection of six naked people, who will be revealed to them one body part at a time. Round by round, they whittle these six naked suitors down to one, based solely on pure physical attraction.
Naked Attraction is a daring new dating series that starts where some good dates might end: naked. Modern dating is business. Simple decisions are influenced by countless factors: what you wear, what you do and how you present yourself online. Filtered photos, push-up bras and enhanced profiles are just a few of the things that can get in the way of singletons finding 'the one'. But what happens if we're stripped of everything? Could picking a partner based solely on the naked body and animal magnetism help us find our perfect mate? In each episode, two new singletons join host Anna Richardson as they seek to choose a date from a selection of six naked people, who will be revealed to them one body part at a time. Round by round, they whittle these six naked suitors down to one, based solely on pure physical attraction.