Otis rollt zur Hilfe!
Griffin Robert Faulkner, Elliott Fullam, Katie Grober, Josiah Gaffney, Leah JanvierWillkommen auf der Long Hill Dairy Farm, wo der Traktor Otis und all seine Freunde leben. Otis mag zwar klein sein, aber er hat ein großes Herz. Wann immer er jemanden in Not sieht, tritt er auf die Bremse, um zu sehen, was lpassiert ist – und eilt dann mit Vollgas zu Hilfe.
Get Rolling with Otis welcomes young viewers to Long Hill Dairy Farm, home to Otis the tractor and all his friends. Otis may be little, but he has a big heart. Whenever he sees a friend in need, he hits the brakes asks how they're feeling, and rolls into action to help!
Get Rolling with Otis welcomes young viewers to Long Hill Dairy Farm, home to Otis the tractor and all his friends. Otis may be little, but he has a big heart. Whenever he sees a friend in need, he hits the brakes asks how they're feeling, and rolls into action to help!