Reginald the Vampire
Harley PeytonSchauspieler:
Jacob Batalon, Mandela Van Peebles, Emily HaineReginald Baskin (Jacob Batalon) stürzt kopfüber in eine Welt, die von schönen, fitten und eitlen Vampiren bevölkert wird. Dort muss er alle möglichen Hindernisse überwinden – das Mädchen, das er liebt, mit dem er aber nicht zusammen sein kann, einen tyrannischen Manager auf der Arbeit und den Vampir-Häuptling, der ihn tot sehen will. Glücklicherweise entdeckt Reginald, dass in ihm selbst ein paar unerkannte Kräfte schlummern.
Imagine a world populated by beautiful, fit and vain vampires. Reginald Andres tumbles headlong into it as an unlikely hero who will have to navigate every kind of obstacle – the girl he loves but can't be with, a bully manager at work and the vampire chieftain who wants him dead. Fortunately, Reginald discovers he has a few unrecognized powers of his own. A new show with a lot of heart and just enough blood, Reginald the Vampire proves the undead life is just as complicated as life itself.
Imagine a world populated by beautiful, fit and vain vampires. Reginald Andres tumbles headlong into it as an unlikely hero who will have to navigate every kind of obstacle – the girl he loves but can't be with, a bully manager at work and the vampire chieftain who wants him dead. Fortunately, Reginald discovers he has a few unrecognized powers of his own. A new show with a lot of heart and just enough blood, Reginald the Vampire proves the undead life is just as complicated as life itself.