The Brave
Dean GeorgarisSchauspieler:
Noah Mills, Natacha Karam, Mike Vogel, Demetrius Grosse, Sofia Pernas, Tate Ellington, Anne Heche, Hadi TabbalDie Militärserie „The Brave“ (fka „For God and Country“) nimmt uns mit auf eine Reise in die komplexe Welt von Amerikas Elite-Militärhelden. Die stellvertretende Direktorin (Anne Heche) des US-Verteidigungsnachrichtendiensts D.I.A. und ihr Team verwalten von Washington D.C. aus die fortschrittlichste Überwachungstechnologie der Welt. Adam Dalton (Mike Vogel) und seine heldenhaften Kollegen vom Special-Operations-Team nutzen ihr festes Band und ihren unerschütterlichen Glauben an die Freiheit um die Leben unschuldiger Menschen zu retten und absolvieren gefährliche Aufgaben an den gefährlichsten Plätzen der Welt.
This fresh, heart-pounding journey into the complex world of America's elite undercover military heroes follows D.I.A. Deputy Director Patricia Campbell and her team of analysts as they wield the world's most advanced surveillance technology from headquarters in D.C. All the while, Adam Dalton and his heroic Special Ops squad of highly trained undercover specialists use their unbreakable bond and commitment to freedom to save lives of innocent people and execute missions in some of the most dangerous places in the world.
This fresh, heart-pounding journey into the complex world of America's elite undercover military heroes follows D.I.A. Deputy Director Patricia Campbell and her team of analysts as they wield the world's most advanced surveillance technology from headquarters in D.C. All the while, Adam Dalton and his heroic Special Ops squad of highly trained undercover specialists use their unbreakable bond and commitment to freedom to save lives of innocent people and execute missions in some of the most dangerous places in the world.