The Break - Jeder kann töten
Stéphane Bergmans, Benjamin d'Aoust, Matthieu DonckSchauspieler:
Yoann Blanc, Jasmina Douieb, Lara Hubinont, Tom Audenaert, Guillaume Kerbush, Jean-Henri Compère, Sophie Breyer, Sophie Maréchal, Anne Coesens, Catherine Salée, Thomas Mustin, Jérémy Zagba, Vincent Grass, Aurélien Caeyman, Valérie Bauchau, Karim BarrasAls der Körper des 19-jährigen aufstrebenden Fußballstars Driss Assani (Jérémy Zagba) aus dem Fluß Semois in den Ardennen gezogen wird, ist es an Inspektor Yoann Peeters (Yoann Blanc) und dem idealistischen, aber unerfahrenen Officer Sebastian Drummer (Guillaume Kerbush), den Fall zu lösen. Peeters, erst vor kurzem nach einer persönlichen Tragödie zusammen mit seiner Tochter Camille (Sophie Breyer) wieder in die Gegend gezogen, in der er aufwuchs, beginnt an der idyllischen Oberfläche des Ortes zu kratzen – was einigen ganz und gar nicht gefällt.
The body of 19 year old footballer from Heiderfeld Football Club is pulled out of the river Semois, a short distance from Heiderfeld, a small town of a few thousand inhabitants in the Belgian Ardennes. The investigation is led by Inspector Yoann Peeters, who has recently moved there after a domestic tragedy, accompanied by Sebastian Drummer, an idealistic and inexperienced young police officer. Peeters will find himself confronted with a real conundrum, where one person's guilt does not mean that others are not responsible.
The body of 19 year old footballer from Heiderfeld Football Club is pulled out of the river Semois, a short distance from Heiderfeld, a small town of a few thousand inhabitants in the Belgian Ardennes. The investigation is led by Inspector Yoann Peeters, who has recently moved there after a domestic tragedy, accompanied by Sebastian Drummer, an idealistic and inexperienced young police officer. Peeters will find himself confronted with a real conundrum, where one person's guilt does not mean that others are not responsible.