Transporter: Die Serie
Luc Besson, Robert Mark KamenSchauspieler:
Chris Vance, Andrea Osvárt, Charly Hübner, François Berléand, Delphine Chanéac, Mark Rendall, Violante Placido„Transporter - Die Serie“ basiert auf der beliebten gleichnamigen Filmreihe, die von Europacorps Luc Besson und Robert Mark Kamen kreiert wurde. Die rasante Action-Serie verfolgt die Abenteuer des professionellen Transporters Frank Martin (Chris Vance) - ein schweigsamer Ex-Elitesoldat mit klaren Prinzipien. Er befolgt immer strikt drei Regeln: Ändere nie den Deal, nenne keine Namen und öffne nie das Paket. Franks Auftraggeber gehören der zwielichtigen Unterwelt an und sind nicht selten gefährliche Kriminelle. Um seinen Job mit minimaler persönlicher Interaktion zu bewältigen, muss sich der Transporter auf seine Partnerin Carla (Andrea Osvart) verlassen können. Die ehemalige CIA-Agentin organisiert Franks Missionen und fungiert als seine Augen und Ohren zur Außenwelt. Franks Freund, Inspektor Tarconi (Francois Berleand), der einst mit der Aufgabe betraut war, Frank aufzuspüren, ahnt nicht, dass der Transporter permanent auf einem schmalen Grat zwischen Job und Gesetzlosigkeit wandelt.
Ex-Elitesoldat Frank Martin (Chris Vance) befördert als „Transporter“, was auch immer von ihm verlangt wird. Seine selbst auferlegten Regeln:
1. An den Vereinbarungen mit Geschäftspartnern wird nichts geändert.
2. Es werden keine Namen genannt.
3. Pakete werden niemals geöffnet.
Adaption von The Transporter
Frank Martin returns as the Transporter with one very simple task - to deliver the package against all the odds. However, something that sounds so simple, is rarely so.Joined by two new team members, Caterina Boldieu, an ex- DGSE agent and later in the series, Jules Faroux, a computer and mechanical whizz, Frank is hired to deliver a diverse range of packages - from pop princesses to priceless paintings.Frank Martin takes the jobs no other transporter will touch or can achieve - simply because they are too challenging and the odds seemingly insurmountable. That is why he is considered the best transporter in the world.Frank's jobs take him to many beautiful locations around the world, but they also draw him into danger and mystery. And more often than not, solving that mystery will lead Frank to successfully completing his mission.However Frank's jobs aren't solely about the packages he must deliver but also about the people he meets. While his emphasis is always on completing the mission, Frank is unable to avoid the human emotions that come with dealing with clients in difficult situations - no matter how hard he tries.
Frank Martin returns as the Transporter with one very simple task - to deliver the package against all the odds. However, something that sounds so simple, is rarely so.Joined by two new team members, Caterina Boldieu, an ex- DGSE agent and later in the series, Jules Faroux, a computer and mechanical whizz, Frank is hired to deliver a diverse range of packages - from pop princesses to priceless paintings.Frank Martin takes the jobs no other transporter will touch or can achieve - simply because they are too challenging and the odds seemingly insurmountable. That is why he is considered the best transporter in the world.Frank's jobs take him to many beautiful locations around the world, but they also draw him into danger and mystery. And more often than not, solving that mystery will lead Frank to successfully completing his mission.However Frank's jobs aren't solely about the packages he must deliver but also about the people he meets. While his emphasis is always on completing the mission, Frank is unable to avoid the human emotions that come with dealing with clients in difficult situations - no matter how hard he tries.