Michele Riondino, Lucrezia GuidoneEine scheinbar glückliche Ehe beginnt zu bröckeln, als Zweifel an der Treue des Ehemannes auftauchen und beide Eheleute anderweitigen Gelüsten verfallen.
Fedeltà tells a story of marital fidelity, in particular the one of Carlo and Margherita, a young couple who needs to face the deflagrant consequences of an alleged betrayal. Their relationship becomes a symbol of fidelity, not only as a couple, but also in the personal choices made every day.
Fedeltà tells a story of marital fidelity, in particular the one of Carlo and Margherita, a young couple who needs to face the deflagrant consequences of an alleged betrayal. Their relationship becomes a symbol of fidelity, not only as a couple, but also in the personal choices made every day.