Fukuhara Katsumi, Akane FujitaDer Teenager Yukiya verbringt seine Zeit damit, alleine als DJ zu spielen und im Internet Videos hochzuladen. Durch den Einfluss seines Vaters hört er House-Musik, seit er ein kleiner Junge ist. Nun ist es sein größtes Ziel, irgendwann jemand bedeutsames zu werden und anerkannt zu sein. Eines Tages tut er bei dem Versuch, mehr Views zu bekommen, etwas, das er nicht mehr rückgängig machen kann. Und dann sieht er eine Liveschaltung von that world. Yukiya ist sich sicher, dass er zwar alleine sein Ziel nicht erreichen kann – aber gemeinsam mit jemand anderem schon.
Inspired by house music from a young age, Yukiya spends his free time as a DJ for a crowd of one and uploads his videos online. Like any young teenager, he yearns for something greater than his current life. He wants recognition and importance, but breaking out of his comfort zone means he runs the risk of getting hurt, so the cycle continues. That is, until the day he finally crosses the line of no return and live streams a performance that will change his world forever.
Inspired by house music from a young age, Yukiya spends his free time as a DJ for a crowd of one and uploads his videos online. Like any young teenager, he yearns for something greater than his current life. He wants recognition and importance, but breaking out of his comfort zone means he runs the risk of getting hurt, so the cycle continues. That is, until the day he finally crosses the line of no return and live streams a performance that will change his world forever.