Darkdrive - Verschollen in der Matrix
Phillip J. RothSchauspieler:
Marcus Aurelius, Gian-Carlo Scandiuzzi, Claire Stansfield, Nick Eldredge, Ken Olandt, Christian W.C. Ryser, Suzanne Charnos, Barry Ross Rinehart, Christopher Goodson, Thomas Craig Elliott, Natasha Roth, Natalie Scandiuzzi, Kerry Skalsky, Larry Albert, Eric LiddellIn einer nicht all zu fernen Zukunft regiert der große Bruder namens Staat mit Hilfe ausgeklügelter Computerprogramme, in welchen man mißliebige Geister einfach verschwinden lassen kann. Auch der vormalige Programmierer Shadowman ist in die körperlose Gegenwelt eingetaucht, allerdings nicht, ohne eine vernichtende Waffe mitzunehmen, deren Einsatz "von der anderen Seite" aus Millionen Menschenleben fordern könnte. Agent Jones ihm hinterher, um den Shadowman unschädlich zu machen.
Eine vollelektronische Variante der "Klapperschlange" serviert B-Actionspezialist Philip Roth in seinem preiswert arrangierten, gleichwohl recht effektvollen Sf-Thriller mit No-Name-Besetzung.
In the near future, a new law has criminals sent to a virtual reality world as their prison, built by a shadowy corporation called Zircon based in Seattle. The designer of the system, Steven Falcon, realizes the danger of it being overloaded and of hackers who try to break in and steal files only to have the prisoners try to break out via that method. When Falcon threatens to quit the operation, he becomes marked for murder by his employers who force him to enter the Matrix virtual reality/afterlife to find the source of the danger of the system crashing.
In the near future, a new law has criminals sent to a virtual reality world as their prison, built by a shadowy corporation called Zircon based in Seattle. The designer of the system, Steven Falcon, realizes the danger of it being overloaded and of hackers who try to break in and steal files only to have the prisoners try to break out via that method. When Falcon threatens to quit the operation, he becomes marked for murder by his employers who force him to enter the Matrix virtual reality/afterlife to find the source of the danger of the system crashing.