Der Zeuge der Nacht
William FruetSchauspieler:
Kip Gilman, Barbara Law, Jayne Catling, Christine Cattell, James B. Douglas, Dayle Haddon, Danny Higham, Alf Humphreys, Jack Jessop, Paula Barrett, Angus MacInnesEin Börsenmakler, der nachts durch ein Fenster einer jungen Frau bei Sexspielen zusieht, wird Zeuge eines Mordes und gerät durch seine merkwürdige Leidenschaft in Tatverdacht.
A young businessman, out joging one night, sees a beautiful woman undressing in her bedroom window and he is compelled to return every night to watch her, until one night he witnesses a murder in the same apartment and soon becomes the prime suspect because of a variety of circumstances evolving from his voyeurism.
A young businessman, out joging one night, sees a beautiful woman undressing in her bedroom window and he is compelled to return every night to watch her, until one night he witnesses a murder in the same apartment and soon becomes the prime suspect because of a variety of circumstances evolving from his voyeurism.