Singapur Queens - Born To Dance
Royston TanSchauspieler:
Yuwu Qi, Mindee Ong, Yeo Yann-Yann, Ling Ling Liu, Kelvin Chen, May Wan Teh, Choy Wan Teh, Ru Ping Lin, Johnny Ng, Lei Wang, Karen Lim, Kimberly Chia, Steve Lee, Jonathan Lim, Li Lin, Peter LohDie bezaubernde, eindrucksvolle und farbenprächtige Musicalkomödie erzählt die Geschichte der "Papaya Schwestern", die die glitzernde Szene von Singapur im Sturm erobern. Ein glamouröses Girlie-Gesangsduo, phantasievolle und opulente Kostüme, mitreißende Songs und jede Menge Situationskomik machen "Singapur Queens" zu einem wahrlich betörenden Festival der Sinne!
Two Singaporean girls join together to form the Papaya Sisters, a getai group that sings at performances during the seventh lunar month. Big Papaya is estranged from her mother, who disapproves of her performances, whilst Little Papaya is an orphan who suffers from terminal cancer. The two are assisted by Auntie Ling and her son, Guan Yin. The two soon rise to the top of the Singaporean getai scene singing traditional Hokkien songs, but their fame brings along with it the enmity of the Durian Sisters, a rival group of techno-singing Eurasian girls.
Two Singaporean girls join together to form the Papaya Sisters, a getai group that sings at performances during the seventh lunar month. Big Papaya is estranged from her mother, who disapproves of her performances, whilst Little Papaya is an orphan who suffers from terminal cancer. The two are assisted by Auntie Ling and her son, Guan Yin. The two soon rise to the top of the Singaporean getai scene singing traditional Hokkien songs, but their fame brings along with it the enmity of the Durian Sisters, a rival group of techno-singing Eurasian girls.