Kanon Amane, Hiroki Touchi, Kana Hanazawa, Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Hikaru Midorikawa, Minami Tsuda, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Misaki Watada, Tsuyoshi Koyama, Hiroshi KamiyaIn einer fernen Zukunft leben die Menschen Kopf an Kopf in Kolonien, die durch Felsengestein voneinander getrennt sind. Außerhalb dieser Kolonien breitet sich ein gefährliches, unbebautes Gebiet mit dem Namen „das Labyrinth“ aus. Diejenigen, die ihr Leben riskieren, um „das Labyrinth“ zu erschließen und unerschlossene Gebiete abzustecken, werden als „Marker“ bezeichnet. Das junge Mädchen Memempu, das eines Tages ein Marker sein möchte, und der Mann Gagumber, der früher einer war, nehmen es gemeinsam mit dem Labyrinth auf.
One day in the distant future. Humans live shoulder to shoulder in “colonies” separated by rock. Outside the colonies, a dangerous undeveloped area called “the Labyrinth” is expanding. Those who risk their lives to develop “the Labyrinth”, who mark out the undeveloped areas, are known as “Markers”. A young girl, Memempu, who wants to be a Marker one day, and a man, Gagumber, who used to be one. This mismatched father and daughter now take on the Labyrinth! “If there’s no path, dig one!”
One day in the distant future. Humans live shoulder to shoulder in “colonies” separated by rock. Outside the colonies, a dangerous undeveloped area called “the Labyrinth” is expanding. Those who risk their lives to develop “the Labyrinth”, who mark out the undeveloped areas, are known as “Markers”. A young girl, Memempu, who wants to be a Marker one day, and a man, Gagumber, who used to be one. This mismatched father and daughter now take on the Labyrinth! “If there’s no path, dig one!”